
Product Catalog

  • UPC: 756637221966
  • SKU: 02111542

  • UPC: 756637119058
  • SKU: 02111541
Fairly long-lived perennial in upper South; short-lived perennial or annual in lower South. Very leafy plants 8 to 12 inches tall that spread by stolons (runners) and form shallow roots at nodes.

  • UPC: 756637221959
  • SKU: 02111546
Ladino clover is a giant form of white clover. It is a rapidly-growing perennial, which spreads with prostrate stolons.

  • UPC: 053571201604
  • SKU: 02111500
Winter annual.. Brilliant crimson flowers, long heads, maturing from bottom to top. Will produce more forage at low temperatures than other clovers. Seed are broadcast at 20 to 30 lb/A in late August-October.

  • UPC: 756637208028
  • SKU: 02111646
Cinnamon plus red clover 3 lb bag. A three pound bag of Cinnamon Plus Red Clover that is preinoculated and with a color added to aid in consumer use. A three pound bag will cover 5000 square feet.

  • UPC: 756637119041
  • SKU: 02111530
Semi-erect, short-lived perennial, 1 to 3 feet tall, pink and white flowers. Major uses are pasture, hay. Seed are broadcast at 4 to 6 lb/A.

  • UPC: 000000000000
  • SKU: 02111645
  • Model Number: 59999
Cinnamon plus Coated Clover has excellent seedling vigor, highly resistan to powdery mildew and northern anthracnose. 50 lbs

Special Offers

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Looking for a premium feed? We have it and it’s on sale in October! Stop in and pick some up today! Not valid with any other discounts or sales.
Valid: 10/01/2024 - 10/31/2024
Offered By: Achille Agway