
Product Info

Cobscook Blend Gardening Soil

Cobscook Blend Gardening Soil

  • Manufacturer: Coast of Maine

Cobscook Blend is a richly textured all-purpose gardening soil. Because it is made with compost, it gives you the benefit of requiring less frequent watering and feeding. Because of its water retaining qualities, it is not recommended for summer annuals like geraniums and petunias. We suggest it as an amendment for planting azaleas, rhododendrons and blueberry bushes. Its fine texture also makes it a good top-dressing for new lawns. Available in 1 cu. ft and 2 cu. ft. bags.

Cobscook Blend is made with a blend of fully matured salmon and blueberry compost (both locally recycled byproducts), mixed with aged bark, long staple sphagnum peat moss and horticultural limestone.

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