
Product Catalog

With superior digestibility and consistent quality in every easy-to-feed bag, this all-natural timothy blended with cane molasses to eliminate dust is an ideal choice for the easy keeper in your barn. Total Timothy is high temperature dried to maximize nutrients lost to sun-curing and processed naturally to eliminate mold spores without the use of chemicals — a perfect blend to promote weight control without under-nourishing.

A measured blend of timothy, oat and alfalfa hay, short chopped for easier chewing and digestibility, Hi Fiber Forage is ideal for the older horse and works equally well as maintenance of the pleasure horse. Chopped to the natural fiber length for easy chewing and safe for respiratory issues, this traditional blend provides the high fiber forage that serves as the foundation of the horse’s feeding program and the protein to support muscle tone, bone and healthy hooves.

Alfa Supreme is essential for brood mares and growing horses. This blend of high-temperature dried and dust extracted chopped alfalfa hay blended with cane molasses provides quality digestible protein for slow release energy. Alfalfa contains needed protein to support muscle tone, calcium for strengthening bone, and is a natural source of biotin for building healthy hooves. Alfa Supreme is an excellent source of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, consistent in every bag.

  • Manufacturer: Cargill, Incorporated

Beet pulp is made from the fibrous material left over after the sugar is extracted from the sugar beet. It's formed from dried sugar beet pulp with a small amount of molasses added during the drying process. It is an excellent source of digestible fiber, with relatively low crude protein content. Beet pulp is an excellent ingredient for complete horse feeds, where no hay or a limited amount of hay or pasture is fed.

Semican bagged and bulk all cereals go through specific processing steps to reach the highest quality product. Here’s the Golden steamed crimped Barley.

Golden in color, these traditional covered oats are lightly steam crimped for improved digestibility. These oats are processed with Semican’s rigorous triple cleaning system before crimping.

Heavy, tripled clean and golden hued covered oats with Semican’s rigorous cleaning and grading system (includes scalping, slipping, gravity table sizing and cleaning, de-stoning and dust removal). These premium quality Golden Select Whole Oats are consistent in quality and comparable to "jockey oats".

  • Manufacturer: Southern States

Select Stock feed is available in textured and pelleted formulas with 12% protein and 3% fat; especially formulated for the maintenance needs of mature cattle, horses, goats and sheep. Pelleted form.

  • Manufacturer: Cargill, Incorporated

Stock and Stable 12% Pellet Multi-Species Feed offers basic nutrition for maintenance horses and other livestock at a great value.

  • Manufacturer: Cargill, Incorporated

Multipurpose, nutritious formula for mixed herds. Select high-quality grains—an economical source of energy. Added molasses to enhance palatability. Safe for sheep, no added copper.

  • Manufacturer: Cargill, Incorporated

Multipurpose, nutritious formula for mixed herds. Select high-quality grains—an economical source of energy. Added molasses to enhance palatability. Safe for sheep, no added copper.


  • Manufacturer: Cargill, Incorporated

Textured feed formulated for superior performance.

Designed to be fed to foals, mares, breeding, maintenance and performance horses.
Highly palatable textured feed for consistent intake.
Added prebiotics and probiotics aid in nutrient digestion.
Organic trace mineral complexes for increased bioavailability, immune system support and protein utilization.
Guaranteed amino acid levels to support muscle maintenance and health.
Guaranteed levels of biotin to support muscle, hair coat and hoof development.

  • Manufacturer: Southern States

We carry a great selection of Southern States Equine, Livestock and Poultry Feeds! Each order of feed from Southern States feed is made in their own mills in the U.S.A. to ensure that only the highest-quality ingredients go into each bag they produce.

  • Manufacturer: Green Mountain Feeds

We carry a great selection of Green Mountain Organic Feeds! Green Mount Organic Feeds product line is free from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, GMO’s, animal by-products and animal protein products.

  • Manufacturer: Standlee Premium Western Forage

We carry a great selection of Standlee Forages! Since 1981, Standlee has grown and manufactured the highest quality sun-cured western forage products.

  • Manufacturer: Triple Crown Feed

We carry a great selection of Triple Crown Equine Feed and Forages! Triple Crown® feeds are consistently voted the “Best Feeds” in America by publications such as the Horse Journal. Triple Crown's goal is to provide the very best nutrition to horses by utilizing the newest nutritional knowledge and innovative ingredients available.

  • Manufacturer: Purina Animal Nutrition LLC.

We carry a great selecton of Purina Equine Feeds! Purina® horse feeds and supplements start with state-of-the-art research and high-quality ingredients. Find the right one for your horse.

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